Lancaster Story Slam Podcast




Welcome to the Lancaster Story Slam podcast! Our Lancaster Story Slam theme for July was “Curiosity.” Our talented storytellers made us laugh and related to the situations and places their curiosity had gotten them into.  Our winner this month was Terri Shadle with her story of "loon-acy" - where on a quiet and peaceful lake in the adirondacks, Terri discovered it’s a bad idea to piss a loon off.  Terri’s story won her the prized pint glass and a spot in the Lancaster Story Slam Grand Slam which will take place in November. Congratulations, Terri! Next up is Mandy Mastros with her thought provoking story of her curiosity and obsession with nature versus nurture. Listen as she questions what shapes us into who we eventually become.  Now a word from LancLiving Realty, our 2019 sponsor. LancLiving Realty is a local real estate and property management firm based in downtown Lancaster, serving communities throughout Lancaster County, and focused on providing clients with ethical and knowledgeable service. Whet