Lancaster Story Slam Podcast

WTF - April 2019



Welcome to the Lancaster Story Slam podcast! In April our Lancaster Story Slam theme was “WTF?” and boy did we hear some incredible stories from our talented storytellers! Our winner this month was Karen Foerstel with her story about growing up in the 70s and a wild dinner party her parents hosted with Dr. John Money. Karen’s story won her the prized pint glass and spot in the Lancaster Story Slam Grand Slam which will take place in November. Congratulations, Karen! Next up is Hong Van Tran Speros with an outrageous tale of rushing to help an elderly woman involved in a car accident and the truly WTF surprise she found waiting for her. Our next story comes from Danielle Del Isola with her story of how a midlife crisis and several astonishing WTF moments have led her to look at life with a new sense of perspective. Now a word from LancLiving Realty, our 2019 sponsor. LancLiving Realty is a local real estate and property management firm based in downtown Lancaster, serving communities throughout Lancaster