Lancaster Story Slam Podcast




Welcome to the Lancaster Story Slam podcast! In March our theme was “Courage” and boy were we blown away by what our storytellers had to share with us! Our winner this month was Tony Crocamo with his story about enlisting in the army during the height of the Vietnam War. As always, Tony’s great at throwing unexpected twists into his stories. Tony’s story not only won him the prized pint glass and spot in the Lancaster Story Slam Grand Slam which will take place in November, but he also was the first storyteller this season to earn perfect scores from the judges! Congratulations, Tony! Next up is Mandy Mastros, who told us the stories of Daryl, Larry, and Lucy. Mandy’s story demonstrates that sometimes the most courageous act is being willing to share your vulnerability with others. Next up is Georgine Wood. Georgine’s story was one that took courage to tell. For Georgine it was a personal victory - the kind you might not expect given that she’s telling this story in front of a live audience. Now a wor