Jumpstart Inc.

Cyber Security: Can Your Company Afford A Breach?



High-profile cyber breaches with companies such as Target, Home Depot and JP Morgan Chase have proven how easy it is for hackers to steal information (including credit card numbers, passwords, social security numbers, client records, etc). Small businesses wear the biggest bulls-eye when it comes to being targeted by hackers for many reasons – often small organizations don’t have onsite IT support or are not thinking about prevention when planning. During an evening seminar on Wednesday, November 12, JumpStart’s new Small Business team took an in-depth look at Cyber Security to find out what you can do to stay ahead of the game. Moderated by Michael Jeans, President of Small Business Lending and Senior Partner at JumpStart, this session covered the steps small businesses can take to protect their customers, assets, employees, and ultimately their business. Panelists include Eric Vanderburg, Director, Information Systems and Security at JurInnov Ltd., Barbara Paynter of Hennes Paynter Communications and Mary-A