Bullets, Bombs, & Beers Podcast

BBB PRESENTS: NETFLIX & KILL-Kentucky Blood is Overrated (Sinister)



Man, I hope nobody ever runs my face over with a lawnmower while I'm still alive. On a totally unrelated note, we watched 2012's Sinister. You should absolutely look at this film as a cautionary tale that shows what can happen when you trust your children. The second you turn your back on them, they'll tie you to a pool chair and drown you. Until that eventuality, do us a favor and pour a true crime writer's-sized glass of scotch and listen to us as we discuss the movie as well as former Denver Nuggets shooting guard J.R. Smith, A Dog's Purpose, and Clark Griswold's attic.  Download and stream the episode here, on iTunes here, or on Stitcher here. Thank you for listening! Contact the show at netflixkillpodcast@gmail.com.