Bullets, Bombs, & Beers Podcast

There Are No Brakes on the Porkchop Express



Man, Big Trouble in Little China is one hell of a film. If you haven't watched it, watch it now. Yeah, right now. Come back when you're done and listen to us rave about this absolute masterpiece of 80's American Cinema. This week, we increased our roster size by a whole extra person with our first ever guest, friend of the podcast, Zach Ficht. If you're a fan of tangents, this episode has 'em by the bushel. Throw on your rattiest sweatpants, pour a glass of something that was illegal in the USA from 1920-1933, and settle in to hear us discuss things like hog-tying Kim Cattrall, minor Mulan characters, and out-of-place patriotic toasts. Download and stream from here or on iTunes here. Thanks for listening! Contact the podcast at bulletsbombsbeer@gmail.com