Desire To Trade Podcast | Forex Trading Tips & Interviews With Highly Successful Traders

181: Build a Forex Trading System - Scott Phillips



Build a Forex Trading System In episode 181 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I interview Scott Phillips, a full-time Forex swing trader living in Bangkok. Watch the video interview here. Topics Covered In This Episode Who is Scott Phillips and how he got into trading [00:34] What Scott trades and how is his trading day [03:48] How Scott changed from a losing trader to becoming consistently profitable [7:00] What Scott considers the biggest predictor of future success [10:00] How does Scott keeps track of his trades and journaling [13:53] How has Scott refined and optimized his strategies by using his trading journal [16:53] How Scott keeps on top of his trading when he travels [19:00] What are the common things people do wrong when they try learning to trade [20:14] What Scott thinks of indicators [21:50] What is Scott's top recommendation for traders [23:08] Scott Phillips' goals for the future [24:49]  DesireToTRADE Top Resources Desire To TRADE Forex Trader Community (free group!) Complete Price Action S