Desire To Trade Podcast | Forex Trading Tips & Interviews With Highly Successful Traders

164: “Move your stop further away!” - Michael Toma



"Move your stop further away!" In episode 164 of the Desire to Trade Podcast, I am sitting down with trader Michael Toma to discuss the topic of risk management. A very big topic that a trader has to understand is that of risk management, and for the longest time, I didn’t know too much about risk management, what it’s about. I thought it was only about risking money on a trade to be able to trade for the long-term—but there’s a lot more to it. Michael is the one who has probably studied this topic the most. Traders like him kind of have a way of doing things that are special and so I wanted to bring him back. Michael has been in episode 40 of the podcast as well as a few episodes after that. In this podcast, we went even more broad in that episode to talk about not only risk management but also trading strategies, how he trades, what things he looks for and how he has been able to get a lot of money trading for other people.   Topics Covered In This Episode Who Michael Toma is and what he does [2:11] Combi