Desire To Trade Podcast | Forex Trading Tips & Interviews With Highly Successful Traders

159: What It Takes To Be Successful In Trading - Barry Burns



What It Takes To Be Successful In Trading   In episode 159 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I am joined by Barry Burns, trader and owner of Top Dog Trading. Barry has been in a prior episode of the podcast (episode 116) a few months ago where he shared some anecdotes and he’s back today to discuss how he's been able to progress to become successful in trading. Watch the video interview here.    Topics Covered In This Episode Who Barry Burns is and what he does [0:40] How Barry Burns feels after many years of trading [3:49] The reason why Barry Burns keeps back testing strategies and testing things [10:17] Barry Burns’ favorite period of time, anecdote or story in his 50 years of trading [12:01] Trading to make a living with what Barry Burns know now and being passionate about it [16:29] The common things that people hear that are wrong or should not be applied in the market to become successful in trading [20:18] What technical analysis includes; reading chart patterns and indicators to become successful in