Dynamic Business Women

#22 How To Switch Off and Find Calm In A Noisy World



In this week's podcast, I interview the lovely Angela Lockwood. Angela is an occupational therapist, author of two published books and motivational speaker. At a young age, Angela had her career path mapped out and dedicated her youth to sport, hockey to be specific. As a child she had her sights set on the Sydney Olympics, determined for this to happen. However, life had a different plan for her and after fracturing her skull during a game her experiences learning to talk again and re-think her approach to life inspired her to change her path to occupational therapy, propelling her into a career she feels was made for her. Things can happen in our lives that we are not necessarily ready for and it's what you do around these decisions that can make a really big difference   In this podcast we discuss: How Angela overcame a life hurdle that set her on a new career path What business doors have opened for Angela since writing and publishing two books Is technology controlling you? Setting boundaries about h