Mister Ron's Basement Ii

Mister Ron's Basement No. 1969



Tue Aug 2, 2011 Mister Ron's Basement No. 1969 A popular children’s magazine that often featured fun stories for all ages was ‘Robert Merry’s Museum,’ published from 1841 until 1872. This week, we will present some of these light-hearted tales. Today, we will do a little math and figure out the value of a good education. This 1862 story is called ‘Who Wants $4 A Day?’ Time: approx five minutes The Mister Ron's Basement Catalog can be found at: http://ronevry.com/Mister_Rons_Full_Catalog.html *There is a nifty interview with Mister Ron in issue #59 iProng Magazine (now known as Beatweek Magazine) which can be downloaded at a new URL as a free pdf file here.  *John Kelly of The Washington Post has written a lively piece about the Basement. You can read it here. * Help Keep Mister Ron's Basement alive! Donate One Dollar: http://ronevry.com/Mister_Ron_Donate.html A hint to new listeners - you can use the catalogs to find stories by specific authors, or just type their name in the keyword search field.