Rock Your Research With Chris Jones

028: Ivan struggled with focusing on a research area but found his research at the intersection of his two areas of passion biology and astronomy and landed an amazing postdoc at NASA.



Ivan struggled with focusing on a research area but found his research at the intersection of his two areas of passion biology and astronomy and landed an amazing postdoc at NASA. Ivan is a postdoctoral fellow at the NASA Ames Research Center. His research is related to the evolution of radiation resistance in organisms. To learn more about Ivan and his research visit his NASA profile page. Biggest Struggle Focusing on one area of interest. Worst Moment Not having a good relationship with his adviser. Best Moment Getting into his PhD program. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit:  To do lists to manage tasks Book:   Faster Than the Speed of Light: The Story of a Scientific Speculation by Joao Magueijo Productivity Tool: Mendeley Best Advice:  Respect your results. Hobbies:  Soccer, bike, watch m ovies, and play chess Alternative PhD study:  Astronomy Contact Information and Resources Email: Facebook Support Rock Your Research! Subscribe to Rock Your Research!      Intro and Ou