Rock Your Research With Chris Jones



Rock Your Research is a podcast created for you, the graduate student. If you are looking for inspiration, community, and actionable advice then we have you covered. Each episode brings you an amazing researcher, who shares their journey. They talk about their biggest struggles and worst and best moments as graduate students. They also talk about their current career and the path they took to get there. The MINDFUL MINUTES ends the show with awesome resources that the researcher uses to stay productive and motivated. So join us on this journey and prepare to rock your research.


  • 028: Ivan struggled with focusing on a research area but found his research at the intersection of his two areas of passion biology and astronomy and landed an amazing postdoc at NASA.

    09/02/2016 Duración: 32min

    Ivan struggled with focusing on a research area but found his research at the intersection of his two areas of passion biology and astronomy and landed an amazing postdoc at NASA. Ivan is a postdoctoral fellow at the NASA Ames Research Center. His research is related to the evolution of radiation resistance in organisms. To learn more about Ivan and his research visit his NASA profile page. Biggest Struggle Focusing on one area of interest. Worst Moment Not having a good relationship with his adviser. Best Moment Getting into his PhD program. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit:  To do lists to manage tasks Book:   Faster Than the Speed of Light: The Story of a Scientific Speculation by Joao Magueijo Productivity Tool: Mendeley Best Advice:  Respect your results. Hobbies:  Soccer, bike, watch m ovies, and play chess Alternative PhD study:  Astronomy Contact Information and Resources Email: Facebook Support Rock Your Research! Subscribe to Rock Your Research!      Intro and Ou

  • 027: Richard was persistent in finishing his PhD and obtaining a tenure track research professor position!

    02/02/2016 Duración: 39min

    Richard was persistent in finishing his PhD and obtaining a tenure track research professor position! Dr. Richard Prather is an assistant professor at the University of Maryland in the Departmet of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology. To learn more about Richard and his research visit his website. Biggest Struggle Figuring out what he wanted to do after finishing his PhD. Worst Moment The time period during his fourth year where his research wasn't going as fast as he hoped. Best Moment Becoming the expert on professional development among the graduate students in his department. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit:  Persistence Book:  The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot Productivity Tool: Mendeley Best Advice:  Read the Chronicle of Higher Education Hobbies:  Hanging out with his kids and playing french horn Alternative PhD study:  Math Contact Information and Resources Email: Twitter Support Rock Your Research! Subscribe to Rock Your Research!      Intro an

  • 026: Denise struggled with self confidence but landed her perfect job as a researcher at the US Geological Survey.

    26/01/2016 Duración: 38min

    Denise struggled with self confidence but landed her perfect job as a researcher at the US Geological Survey.  Denise is a geomicrobiologist at the USGS! Her research focuses on how microorganisms impact their environment and biogeochemical cycles and how the environment impacts microorganisms. To learn more about Denise you can visit her USGS profile page. Biggest Struggle She struggled with having confidence in herself. Worst Moment When she was in the process of switching between labs she felt like she was going to be done with science. Best Moment Her defense because it is when everything came together. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit:  Being really organized and thinking creatively Book: (1) Aquatic Geomicrobiology  (2) Brock Biology of Microorganisms Productivity Tool: Google Calendar Best Advice:  Always think about all the scales at which your process interacts and don't put on blinders and just focus on the scale you are looking at for your study Hobbies:  Sew, knit, cooking, exercise, and gard

  • 025: Leah overcame failing her first oral proposal defense to find work she loves at NEON

    19/01/2016 Duración: 47min

    Leah is the supervising scientist of education and public engagement at NEON. Her research involves remote sensing and data informatics. To learn more about Leah take a look at her profile on the neon website Biggest Struggle She struggled with time management and work life balance because she worked full time during graduate school. Worst Moment She failed her initial dissertation proposal defense. Best Moment Her defense. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit:  Scheduling and time management Book:  Blogs specifically the rOpenSci blog Productivity Tool: Evernote and Wunderlist Best Advice:  Get out of your bubble and network! Hobbies:  Climbing, hiking, and anything outdoors Alternative PhD study:  Data Science Contact Information and Resources Email: rOpenSci Twitter Neon Data skills workshops Data Carpentry Support Rock Your Research! Subscribe to Rock Your Research!      Intro and Outro Music: - Happy Rock

  • 024: Jennifer overcame her nervous voice during presentation to land an amazing job co-managing multiple programs at the National Science Foundation.

    12/01/2016 Duración: 41min

    Jennifer overcame her nervous voice during presentation to land an amazing job co-managing multiple programs at the National Science Foundation. Jennifer is the co-manager of the National Science Foundation's Petrology and Geochemistry Program and she co-manages the GeoPRISMS Program. Biggest Struggle She has a wobbly uncertain voice when she gives a presentation. Worst Moment She failed her first round of written exams. Best Moment Having a friend using a separate method actually end up producing a map that ground-truthed her results and vice versa. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit:  Taking good notes! Book:  Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami Productivity Tool: To do lists Best Advice:  There is life after grad school and it is different and wonderful. Hobbies:  Biking, baking, and photography. Alternative PhD study:  Marine Biologist Contact Information and Resources Email: Twitter Support Rock Your Research! Subscribe to Rock Your Research!     

  • 023: Vivian overcame her struggles with work life balance to choose a career that brought her closer to her family and the lifestyle she wanted to live while still pursuing her passion for science.

    05/01/2016 Duración: 48min

    Vivian overcame her struggles with work life balance to choose a career that brought her closer to her family and the lifestyle she wanted to live while still pursuing her passion for science. Vivian is a freelance writer and contractor for the National Cancer Institute's Office of Communications. She is part of a team in charge of maintaining, writing, and editing the NCI Cancer Currents Blog. To learn more about Vivian check out her website. Biggest Struggle Managing work life balance and stress/depression. Worst Moment Having her adviser be disappointed in her candidacy exam even though she passed. Best Moment Getting a much needed piece of equipment from her adviser shortly after she realized it would make her experiment faster and easier. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: Keeping detailed notes on her experiments and what she was thinking every morning for 15 to 30 minutes. Book:  Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day: A Guide to Starting, Revising, and Finishing Your Doctoral Thesis by

  • 022: Justin struggles with perfectionism but doesn't let that stop him from doing work he loves and that matters.

    29/12/2015 Duración: 40min

    Justin struggles with perfectionism but doesn't let that stop him from doing work he loves and that matters. He made connections that helped him land the position he wanted in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Justin is a research geophysicist and deputy chief of the USGS Induced Seismicity Project. His current research is focused on human induced earth quakes. To learn more about Justin and his work at the USGS check out his webpage. Biggest Struggle Perfectionism, always needing to do more. Worst Moment Left his poster at airport security on the way to his first conference. Best Moment Getting asked for advice by some of the top scientists in his field. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: Putting in time before a talk to practice and prep it. Book:  Two articles: Scrutiny of the Abstract and Scrutiny of the Introduction. Productivity Tool: To do lists and a reference manager (Mendeley) Best Advice:  Stop talking about and just write it. Hobbies:  Being outdoors, biking, running, skiing, triathlons, and

  • 021: Valerie overcame her struggles with imposter syndrome and procrastination to go on to become an international speaker and author.

    22/12/2015 Duración: 45min

    Valerie is internationally known speaker and expert on imposter syndrome. She has written multiple books on impostor syndrome and finding work you love. She is also the founder of an online resource for people who want to make a living doing what they love. To learn more about Valerie visit her website. Valerie overcame her struggles with imposter syndrome and procrastination to go on to become an international speaker and author. Listen to her journey. Biggest Struggle Finding a dissertation topic that would make a difference and procrastination. Worst Moment Her adviser told her that she needed to make significant changes to her dissertation after 2 other committee members said it was good. Best Moment Finishing her dissertation. Contact Information and Resources Twitter Website Changing Course Support Rock Your Research! Subscribe to Rock Your Research!      Intro and Outro Music: - Happy Rock

  • 020: Ed realized that his research didn't lend itself to large grants that are required to be hired at an R1 university. He used this to his advantage to learn what it took to become a consultant for higher education.

    15/12/2015 Duración: 44min

    Ed realized that his research didn't lend itself to large grants that are required to be hired at an R1 university. He used this to his advantage to learn what it took to become a consultant for higher education. Ed is a senior director with the Education Advisory Board and serves as their leading expert in student success and retention. To learn more about ED and the Education Advisory Board check out their website. Biggest Struggle Comparing himself to peers that went into careers after undergrad and watching their lives move forward. Worst Moment He didn't really have a worst moment. Best Moment Finishing and realizing that he was one of the experts on his small topic area of specialization. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: A really high motor meaning he put 100% effort into a task. Book:  The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte Productivity Tool: Mobile Email Best Advice:  Received too much good advice to pick one thing! Hobbies:  Athletics, rugby, dabbling in the stock market

  • 019: Emily overcame doubts about her ability to be a scientist to ultimately be an amazing science communicator using her skills and passion to the fullest.

    08/12/2015 Duración: 59min

    Emily overcame doubts about her ability to be a scientist to ultimately be an amazing science communicator using her skills and passion to the fullest. Listen to her talk about her grad school experience and life as a freelance science communicator and educator. Dr. Emily Grossman is a science communicator and teacher. She works with students and organizations to get and keep students interested in science, especially girls. This passion stems from her personal experiences and stories. You can find many examples of her work and learn much more about Emily at her website. Biggest Struggle Having to deal with the self-doubt that came with being one of the only women in the physics degree at her university. Worst Moment Realizing that she didn't love the research side of science but loved explaining science to others. Best Moment Realizing that she had a great love and passion for explaining science and was really great at it. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: Looking after her body, soul, and spirit. Book:

  • 018: Juan overcame isolation as a graduate student to ultimately build a fantastic network of friends and become the chair of his department at the University of Florida

    01/12/2015 Duración: 34min

    Juan struggled with being the only African American PhD student but used this to build a network and expand his way of thinking by interacting with people from many other backgrounds. He credits this with improving the way that he thinks and works. Juan is the Andrew Banks Family Preeminence Endowed Professor and Chair of the Computer & Information Science & Engineering Department at the University of Florida where he leads the Human-Experience Research Lab. Biggest Struggle Isolation, he was the only African American PhD student in computer science in the department and  in the country at the time. Worst Moment His adviser left the university and he ended up switching to a different university. Best Moment Finishing but also getting the opportunity to go to a new school and work on a new project after his adviser left the university. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: Curiosity and the drive to find answers. Book:  Read a CV of someone that you want to have a similar job to. Productivity Tool: Go

  • 017: David overcame a difficult candidacy exam to land an amazing position as an assistant research professor

    24/11/2015 Duración: 33min

    David overcame a sub-par performance during his candidacy exam to go on to not only overcome the weakness seen during the exam but to land an amazing assistant research professor position.  David is an Assistant Research Professor at Auburn University. His research focuses on how humans affect wildlife populations and habitats. He is passionate about educating the public about wildlife ecology and conservation. To learn even more about David and his research visit the about page of his blog. Biggest Struggle Realizing that he had a lot to prove as a graduate student to show that he was making progress towards a project. Worst Moment Having his committee not completely pleased with his candidacy exam. Best Moment Having everything come together during his dissertation defense and having an enjoyable conversation with his committee. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: Being interested and passionate about what he is doing. Book:  (1) Jaguar: One Man's Struggle to Establish the World's First Jaguar Preserve b

  • 016: Jia overcame losing a field seasons worth of data to finish her dissertation and ultimately land her dream job

    17/11/2015 Duración: 47min

    Jia is an assistant professor in the Ecology department and Montana State University. Her research focuses on plant ecophysiology. To learn more about her and her research check out her lab website, which is amazing and well worth checking out both in terms of interesting research and visually appealing design. Listen to her graduate school story that led her to a tenure track professor position. Biggest Struggle Knowing what is enough to finish. You want a study that tells a great story but doesn't take forever. Worst Moment Installing her field equipment (sap flow sensors) backwards which meant she lost almost an entire seasons of data plus the winter that she had spent making them. Best Moment Receiving the National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (DDIG) Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: Joined a writing group that forced her to write every week. Book:  The Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology by Terry Chapin. Productivity Tool: To do lists: long-term, weekly, and dai

  • 015: Sydney overcame lack of motivation and follow through to become the arctic policy lead for the US Department of State

    10/11/2015 Duración: 37min

    Sydney overcame lack of motivation and follow through to become the arctic policy lead for the US Department of State. Listen to her describe methods that helped her finish her PhD and land a career she loves. Sydney is a foreign affairs officer at the US Department of State and a AAAS Fellow. She handles the arctic energy portfolio within the department. Biggest Struggle Follow through after becoming ABD. Worst Moment Giving a less than stellar group meeting presentation and having a fight with her adviser that lead to feelings of impostor syndrome. Best Moment Fixing her broken piece of equipment that had not been working for 7 months. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: To do lists Book:  The Secret History by Donna Tartt Productivity Tool: To do lists on paper Best Advice: From a graduating grad student: I did it and you will too. Hobbies: Hiking, running, being outside, and reading. Alternative PhD study: Lemur biologist Contact Information and Resources Twitter Support the Rock Your Research!

  • 014: Raul Pacheco-Vega combined his passion for education and research to land a job that allowed him to live close to his family and friends

    03/11/2015 Duración: 45min

    Raul Pacheco-Vega combined his passion for education and research to land a job that allowed him to live close to his family and friends. He shares his experience and advice for students on how to find work that you enjoy. Raul is an assistant professor in the Public Administration Division of the Center for Economic Research and Teaching, CIDE, in Aguascalientes, Mexico. His primary research interest is in understanding the factors that contribute to cooperation in natural resource governance. He is also the associate editor of the Journal of Environmental Sciences and Studies and is the founder of the Twitter #scholarsunday. You can learn more about Raul on his blog. Biggest Struggle Being able to focus and trying to do to many things. Worst Moment Breaking up with his boyfriend. Being in a good place emotionally is very important. Best Moment Dissertation defense and getting great feedback from his adviser. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: Daily writing habit and procrastinating on purpose Book:  Wri

  • 013: Jessica Ball defeated her imposter syndrome to land the prestigious postdoc she wanted.

    27/10/2015 Duración: 33min

    Jessica struggled with overcame imposter syndrom to get land a prestigious postdoc at the USGS. Listen to how she did it and her method for managing work life balance. Jessica is a Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow at the U.S. Geological Survey, researching stratovolcano hydrorothermal systems and how they affect volcano stability. She received her PhD in Geology from the University of Buffalo. Learn more about Jessica on her blog. Biggest Struggle  Impostor syndrome. Worst Moment Having a really bad first committee meeting. Best Moment Being able to provide equipment to researchers in Guatemala by connecting them with a non-profit. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: Documentation Book: Who's Afraid of Marie Curie?: The Challenges Facing Women in Science and Technology by Linley Erin Hall Productivity Tool: Google Calendar Best Advice:  Not taking criticism personally Hobbies: Playing Violin, hiking, camping, and cooking Alternative PhD study: Archaeology Contact Information and Resources Twitter Jessica's

  • 012: Kaitlyn Bunker landed her dream NGO position at Rocky Mountain Institute immediately after graduate school.

    20/10/2015 Duración: 26min

    Kaitlyn landed her dream NGO job at RMI immediately after graduate school. She made connections within the Association of Women Engineers and made herself a more well rounded candidate by getting involved in Science Communication.   Kaityln is an associate scientist at Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI). She has her PhD in electrical engineering from Michigan Technical University. Her research within RMI focuses on electrical micro grids in the Caribbean. Biggest Struggle  Being in charge of designing her own work . Worst Moment Taking the written qualifying exam. Best Moment Winning the first place poster award in her graduate research colloquium at her university  . Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: Being organized Book: Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink Productivity Tool: Asana and Google Calendar Best Advice: To go for my PhD if that is what I wanted to do. Hobbies: Road and mountain biking, hiking, and riding off road motor cycles. Alternative PhD study: Biomedical Engin

  • 011: Katie Mack pursues her academic career and a passion for science communication.

    13/10/2015 Duración: 41min

    In addition to being a stellar (pun intended) astrophysicist, Katie Mack is a popular science communicator and writer.  Listen to Katie's worst and best moments as a graduate student, and her advice for current graduate students. Katie is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Melbourne in the Astrophysics Group. She has an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award to fund her research. She is active in online science communication and science outreach. Visit for more information! Contact Information and Resources Twitter @AstroKatie  Email:  

  • 010: From Ecology to Silicon Valley--Ted Hart found work he loved in industry

    06/10/2015 Duración: 42min

    Ted leveraged his knowledge of computer programming and data management, gained while an ecology grad student, to become a data scientist. Listen to Ted's journey from ecology to Silicon  Valley! Ted is a data scientist at a large company in Silicon Valley (he is not officially allowed to disclose what company he works for). He has a PhD in environmental biology from the University of Vermont. He has worked as a staff scientist at the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) prior to taking his current position. Biggest Struggle  Needing to work and find his own funding in order to pay for his research. Worst Moment Having a paper sent out for revision at Science but then getting rejected. Best Moment Receiving his NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (DDIG). Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: Coding, data management, and writing good commit messages Book: (1) Doing Data Science: Straight Talk from the Frontline by Cathy O'Neil (2) An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in

  • 009: Hannah Gaines Day overcomes lack of motivation to finish her PhD

    29/09/2015 Duración: 31min

    Hannah struggled with motivation while finishing her dissertation, but she developed techniques to complete her PhD. Listen to her share her grad school story and how she became a postdoc. Hannah is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Wisconsin Madison. She has a PhD in Zoology from the University of Wisconsin Madison. Her focus is on how landscape structure and management practices affect local native bees. To learn more about Hannah visit her about page. Biggest Struggle  Finding motivation while ABD due to lack of structure in her schedule. Worst Moment Going through 6 rounds of revisions on her first publication. Best Moment Her dissertation defense and having it feel like a conversation among peers. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: Figuring out how to get to her goals once she identifies them. Book: Switch: How to Change When Change is Hard by Chip and Dan Heath Productivity Tool: Pomodoro technique (setting a timer for a task and then staying focused until the timer goes off) Best

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