Rock Your Research With Chris Jones

027: Richard was persistent in finishing his PhD and obtaining a tenure track research professor position!



Richard was persistent in finishing his PhD and obtaining a tenure track research professor position! Dr. Richard Prather is an assistant professor at the University of Maryland in the Departmet of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology. To learn more about Richard and his research visit his website. Biggest Struggle Figuring out what he wanted to do after finishing his PhD. Worst Moment The time period during his fourth year where his research wasn't going as fast as he hoped. Best Moment Becoming the expert on professional development among the graduate students in his department. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit:  Persistence Book:  The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot Productivity Tool: Mendeley Best Advice:  Read the Chronicle of Higher Education Hobbies:  Hanging out with his kids and playing french horn Alternative PhD study:  Math Contact Information and Resources Email: Twitter Support Rock Your Research! Subscribe to Rock Your Research!      Intro an