Rock Your Research With Chris Jones

019: Emily overcame doubts about her ability to be a scientist to ultimately be an amazing science communicator using her skills and passion to the fullest.



Emily overcame doubts about her ability to be a scientist to ultimately be an amazing science communicator using her skills and passion to the fullest. Listen to her talk about her grad school experience and life as a freelance science communicator and educator. Dr. Emily Grossman is a science communicator and teacher. She works with students and organizations to get and keep students interested in science, especially girls. This passion stems from her personal experiences and stories. You can find many examples of her work and learn much more about Emily at her website. Biggest Struggle Having to deal with the self-doubt that came with being one of the only women in the physics degree at her university. Worst Moment Realizing that she didn't love the research side of science but loved explaining science to others. Best Moment Realizing that she had a great love and passion for explaining science and was really great at it. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: Looking after her body, soul, and spirit. Book: