Rock Your Research With Chris Jones

024: Jennifer overcame her nervous voice during presentation to land an amazing job co-managing multiple programs at the National Science Foundation.



Jennifer overcame her nervous voice during presentation to land an amazing job co-managing multiple programs at the National Science Foundation. Jennifer is the co-manager of the National Science Foundation's Petrology and Geochemistry Program and she co-manages the GeoPRISMS Program. Biggest Struggle She has a wobbly uncertain voice when she gives a presentation. Worst Moment She failed her first round of written exams. Best Moment Having a friend using a separate method actually end up producing a map that ground-truthed her results and vice versa. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit:  Taking good notes! Book:  Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami Productivity Tool: To do lists Best Advice:  There is life after grad school and it is different and wonderful. Hobbies:  Biking, baking, and photography. Alternative PhD study:  Marine Biologist Contact Information and Resources Email: Twitter Support Rock Your Research! Subscribe to Rock Your Research!