Rock Your Research With Chris Jones

013: Jessica Ball defeated her imposter syndrome to land the prestigious postdoc she wanted.



Jessica struggled with overcame imposter syndrom to get land a prestigious postdoc at the USGS. Listen to how she did it and her method for managing work life balance. Jessica is a Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow at the U.S. Geological Survey, researching stratovolcano hydrorothermal systems and how they affect volcano stability. She received her PhD in Geology from the University of Buffalo. Learn more about Jessica on her blog. Biggest Struggle  Impostor syndrome. Worst Moment Having a really bad first committee meeting. Best Moment Being able to provide equipment to researchers in Guatemala by connecting them with a non-profit. Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: Documentation Book: Who's Afraid of Marie Curie?: The Challenges Facing Women in Science and Technology by Linley Erin Hall Productivity Tool: Google Calendar Best Advice:  Not taking criticism personally Hobbies: Playing Violin, hiking, camping, and cooking Alternative PhD study: Archaeology Contact Information and Resources Twitter Jessica's