Rock Your Research With Chris Jones

010: From Ecology to Silicon Valley--Ted Hart found work he loved in industry



Ted leveraged his knowledge of computer programming and data management, gained while an ecology grad student, to become a data scientist. Listen to Ted's journey from ecology to Silicon  Valley! Ted is a data scientist at a large company in Silicon Valley (he is not officially allowed to disclose what company he works for). He has a PhD in environmental biology from the University of Vermont. He has worked as a staff scientist at the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) prior to taking his current position. Biggest Struggle  Needing to work and find his own funding in order to pay for his research. Worst Moment Having a paper sent out for revision at Science but then getting rejected. Best Moment Receiving his NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (DDIG). Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: Coding, data management, and writing good commit messages Book: (1) Doing Data Science: Straight Talk from the Frontline by Cathy O'Neil (2) An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in