Rock Your Research With Chris Jones

008: Amanda Grusz shares her transition from grad school to the Smithsonian Museum



This interview is full of great advice! Amanda attributes her success to the positive relationships she developed during graduate school and outreach experiences. Listen to her share her graduate school experiences and how she became a postdoc at the Smithsonian Institute.   Amanda is a postdoctoral fellow at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Her research focuses on the evolutionary biology of ferns. Particularly exploring the patterns and processes that have given rise to modern plant diversity. She has a PhD in Biology from Duke University. Biggest Struggle  Dealing with jealous and feeling that her accomplishments weren't as good as her peers. Worst Moment Trying to keep personal life from interfering with productivity. Best Moment Receiving first large grant (the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Improvement Program Grant). Mindful Minutes Segment Habit: Perserverence Book: (1) The Chicago Guide to Landing a Job in Academic Biology by Chandler, Wolfe, and Promislow (2