Rock Your Research With Chris Jones

007: Impostor syndrome didn't stop Kevin Gannon from landing a tenure track position after grad school



A self proclaimed geek for history, pedagogy and technology, Kevin (a.k.a. "The Tattooed Professor") thrives on experimentation and breaking free from convention. Listen to Kevin share his struggles with impostor syndrome, how his first tenure track position wasn't what he was expecting, and his current advice for job seekers on the academic market.    Kevin is an associate professor of history and director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Grand View University in Des Moines, Iowa. To learn more about Kevin check out his blog at The Tattooed Professor. Biggest Struggle:   Dealing with impostor syndrome and the general feelings of inadequacy that come along with it. Worst Moment:  Having a member of his committee try to talk him into doing a different project after he was already ABD. Best Moment:  Getting his first paper published and having a great experience with the revision process. Mindful Minutes Segment:  Habit: Daily writing practice Book: How to Write a Lot: A Practi