Relationships Uncomplicated

Episode 041: What Couples Can Expect When They Relocate, Interview With Yael Haklai-Neagu



On this episode of Relationships uncomplicated, Relationship Expert Idit Sharoni and Breakup Specialist Alina Gershonov interview their first expert guest! Yael Haklai-Neagu is a therapist who specializes in working with individuals and couples who are affected by any type of relocation. She shares where her passion for working with couples who are relocating came about. Yael also sheds light on the common issues couples face along with many of the personal challenges couples and individuals face and how those changes impact the relationship overall. Links mentioned in this episode: Yael's website  Yael's Facebook page To send us questions you'd like answered in a future podcast: Please write your question in the following format and email or Type of relationship (marriage, dating, etc.) Length of relationship Your story + your question to us Remember, you will absolutely remain anonymous  For more information about the podcast, Idit Shar