Relationships Uncomplicated

Episode 016: Staying After Infidelity, Mistake #2



If you are trying to piece back your relationship after it's been shattered by an affair, then this episode of Relationships Uncomplicated will be of help to you.  This episode called Staying After Infidelity - Mistake #2 addresses the second mistake couples make while trying to heal after infidelity. Relationship Expert Idit Sharoni provides a breakdown of questions to avoid and questions she recommends asking when confronting your partner. Together with Breakup Specialist Alina Gershonov they explore possible scenarios of conversations and their benefits along with potential detriments to the relationship. Idit's Freebie is a worksheet guideline on how to access your partner's inner world- a necessary step towards rebuilding broken trust and healing your relationship.  Links mentioned in this episode:  Freebie: Staying After Infidelity: Mistake # 2 Worksheet Download Access to Idit's private Facebook group: It's Okay To Stay Episode 12: Staying After Infidelity - Mistake #1  To send us questions you'd lik