Relationships Uncomplicated

Episode 005: What To Do When Your Partner Doesn't Care



Has this ever happen to you where all you were looking for is support from your spouse and all you got was a cold shoulder? Does that happen more often than not? Many couples go through this vicious cycle we call the pursuer distancer dynamic. It is when one partner (the pursuer) attempts to make a connection with his or her partner and is turned away by not getting the response hoped for. As a result, the pursuer continues attempting by making more gestures towards their partner usually more focused in getting their attention. This usually ends up with the pursued partner withdrawing even more and becoming the distancer making them look like they don't care.  This vicious cycle leaves the pursuing partner feeling powerless and defeated, while the distancing partner feels upset and harassed.  In this Episode called 'What To Do When Your Partner Doesn't Care' relationship expert Idit Sharoni lays down strategies for you to avoid these situations and move away from feeling not heard to being listened to and car