This Is Life With Pejman Ghadimi

Ep 9: Love and War - Entrepreneurships and Relationships



We all struggle at some point in our lives with relationships, but what's more difficult than finding "the one"? Trying to find "the one" while being an aspiring entrepreneur. Join your host, Pejman Ghadimi, as he is joined by the "Timeshare Queen" herself, Becky. Becky asks Pejman what the right moves and decisions are to turn your talents into a prospering business based on your track record and how to do it without risking too much before the business idea has validated itself. However, it's all fun and games with business until you decide to add love to the mix! Pejman advises the mindsets to keep while looking for love and how to attract the RIGHT person for you without holding your expectations too high and driving away any possibilities too soon. Buy Third Circle Theory: