Studio Sherpas Podcast

178: How to Make Recurring Revenue With Course Creator Partnerships w/ Ryan Koral



Imagine going to sleep at night and waking up in the morning with more money. Stick with me on this one, because this is something that’s within your grasp as a filmmaker and producer. For the past three years, my studio has been doing it. Today, I’m sharing our strategy for you to use too! Creating content for course creators opens up some great opportunities for passive income. There’s a lot of upfront work to be sure. Finding the right partners, collaborating, and creating content and marketing it takes time. But once that’s done, we get to sit back and let our share of the revenue come in. What you offer can go far beyond just creating the content. Helping your partners with services like building out a website, managing ads, creating marketing emails, and more lets you add value that will pay you back many times over. In fact, this has been so successful that it’s become the major focus of my business.  Are there roadblocks stopping you from being a course creator? Let’s work through them together in the