Studio Sherpas Podcast

177: Why The Time To Start Is Now w/ David Burkus



Balancing your creativity and your business is a challenge. But prioritizing the parts that fulfill you the most won’t just be good for you, it will benefit your business too. Inevitably, this will foster a sense of purpose for your business that will lead to meaningful connections and projects. David Burkus is a skilled researcher and an inspiring communicator. His award-winning books have been translated into more than a dozen languages, and his TED Talk has been viewed over 2 million times. By making cutting-edge organizational research accessible and applicable, David pushes audiences to reconsider how they work both individually and in teams. This way, they unlock the methods top performers use to thrive at work and in life. In this episode, David and I talk about how the right time to start any endeavor is now. Waiting for the time to be perfect means waiting forever. We both started lots of projects before we had it perfected. Some of our early works were really abysmal compared to where we are now. Bu