Studio Sherpas Podcast

175: Webinar Replay: The Art Of The Business Pivot



A couple of weeks ago, three other studio owners and I ran a live webinar. Travis Hull, Doug Darling, and Wes Wages are part of the Studio Sherpas community and have their own successful studios. I was thrilled to join them so they could share their insights and wisdom with all of you. If you didn’t make it to the webinar, or just want to hear it all again, this episode is for you. Crises contain within them opportunities. We discuss how we are pivoting our businesses so that we emerge from the current situation stronger than before. Everyone has the capacity to help others in one way or another. We can reach out and be of service in new ways. As more brands are shifting to digital content, video makers are well-positioned to show them how it’s done. It may feel natural to worry just about the money right now. We talk about how this is counter-productive. By keeping customer service and your clients as your priority, you’ll better position your business to thrive in the long run. It’s important to remember th