Studio Sherpas Podcast

165: The Know, Like, Trust Factor w/ Austin Black



Just getting in the door with companies you want to work with is important. But it isn’t enough. You still have to close the deal. This means exuding confidence and communicating it. If your potential clients can know you, trust you, and like you then your odds of winning the job couldn’t be higher. Austin Black is a Studio Sherpas Student who works as a filmmaker in the agriculture industry with Backroad Productions. A cowboy at heart, Austin has a love of cameras and storytelling. His studio provides photography and video marketing services to livestock producers as well as video strategy, marketing, and branding services for agriculture and outdoor brands. As someone who frequently works with large brands, Austin has identified a number of strategies that have won them over. Networking and knowing what to say certainly helps, but that won’t be enough. Austin has found that it’s crucial to have a portfolio of high-quality work. This is where your passion projects come in as they’ll show the work that you wa