Studio Sherpas Podcast

164: If I Was Just Starting Out Today, What Would I Do? w/ Ryan Koral



In today’s solo unscripted episode, I want to answer just one question - If I was just starting out today, what would I do? Since you only get to do something for the first time once, It’s interesting to look back with the experience of years of business and imagine what I would do if it were possible to start over. One thing I wouldn’t change was getting out there and meeting with people in the industry. I explain why you should always ask questions, see how others do it, and figure out where you fit into it all. I found that this can also pay off in the form of referrals further down the road. Learning how to best use social media for my business took some time. Now we are very intentional about what we do and often defer to the experts for strategic advice. However, some experimentation is still useful for finding and connecting with your best audience. Most of all though, getting started the right way means getting out from behind your computer and meeting the right people. I discuss getting involved in t