World's A Mess

#50 We're Bad at This



EPISODE #50-- Don't expect anything special for our Silver Anniversary show, because we consider every episode to be special. Also, we forgot and didn't plan ahead. Anyways, today we get into it about an unfortunately named donor of, uh, genetic material, some escaped pigs, and a follow up on the Fyre Festival. We also get into it about Amber Alerts, dumb late-stage capitalism, and the pod dog. Also, CORRECTION: The lawyer I talk about at the end of the episode is not Alan Dershowitz. I am thinking about William Kunstler. Totally different people. Plus, Alex's Music Corner! Thanks to Sef Joosten for our show art.  Our theme music is "The World's a Mess (It's In My Kiss)" by X. Thanks to our sources at New York Post, CBS News, and Vice (and see our Facebook page for more sources!). Please support real journalism. Subscribe to something today! #Pigs #Swines #FyreFestival #NightGuard #WilliamKunstler #TheLaw #HJonBenjamin #News