World's A Mess

#41 Not All Dojo Owners



EPISODE #41-- We're back! As always, we bring nothing but the hottest news items for you, our dearest newshounds. Today Alex and James tackle a Joker attack in Florida, stolen beehives in California, Swedish intercourse breaks, and a man trying to assassinate the best Power Ranger. We also have James explaining a video, Alex going over his phobias of My Buddy, as well as our pitch for a sexy Funky Winkerbean. Thanks to Sef Joosten for our show art.  Our theme music is "The World's a Mess (It's In My Kiss)" by X. Thanks to our sources at Associated Press, LA Times, Boing Boing, NY Post, Crime Feed, and Lauderdale Criminal Defense Dot Com. Please support real journalism. #Fresno #Bees #RickSantorum #WuTang #Florida #OtherJunk #Gunpla