Tell The Bartender - A Storytelling Podcast

Episode 13: LIVE!



In this Episode: We did a full length live show at Union Hall and it was wonderful! Many thanks to our incredible guests Lizz Winstead (Co-Creator of the Daily Show, Activist, Awesome Person) and Michael Snow (CBS's Survivor, also Awesome Person). Tweet Heat: Lizz Winstead shares a story about the time she got into a bit of trouble on the Twitter machine, plus she shares a very special Minnesota story for the Macalester College alums in the house! So Many Jeans:  Before Michael Snow knew he was gay, he tried to have sex with a woman. It didn't go so well. And a short story about Survivor behind the scenes! PLUS Katharine tells a story, we play "Craigslist Ad or Casting Notice" with a real life Matty Blake, and an audience member joins us for the new game, "Bar Talk"!