Judy Croon

'Just Another Mindful Monday' on 'Laugh Long and Prosper' with Leadership Expert Dr. Teruni Lamberg



Hi there, I'm Judy Croon. Welcome to another Episode of Laugh Long and Prosper – Shelf Help with a dash of humour. I believe that humour is one of our best coping mechanisms-especially when we are facing stress and unknown times like Covid. Today is Monday. That’s means it’s time for 'Just Another Mindful Monday'. On the phone with me today is Dr. Teruni Lamberg. What do all great leaders have in common? How do they consistently lead well and inspire others? College professor and prolific author and speaker Teruni Lamberg has extensively researched this topic for her seminars and book, “Leaders Who Lead Successfully.” Dr. Lamberg has discovered a quality that separates superior leaders from lackluster and/or boring ones and that is humour! From Lincoln to Gandhi, from Einstein to Nancy Pelosi, from Winston Churchill to Barack Obama- great leaders seem to have one almost overlooked common denominator - a sense of humour. Dr. Lamberg is a Leading learning expert, She shares her innovative ideas on leading