Judy Croon

Laugh Long and Prosper :Psychic Fridays with Sunhee and Chinhee Park



Hi there, I'm Judy Croon - Canada's Keynote Humourist. Welcome to 'Laugh Long and Prosper' Shelf Help with a Smile. Stress Busters with a Smirk. You get the point. So let's get Started... Today is Friday...which means..drumroll please, It's Psychic Friday. Today, I chat with twin psychics, Sunhee and Chinhee Park of http://www.ESPsychics.com about predictions for 2021! Check it out! Sunhee and Chinee Park are twin psychics out of LA who just happen to be two of the top rated psychics in the States. Check out their fantastic website at http://www.ESPsychics.com Korean, identical twins Chinhee and Sunhee Park are both psychic, mediums, empaths and energy healers. Born in Seoul, Korea, they were adopted by an Italian and Irish family at the age of two. Chinhee in Korean means “Big Heart” and Sunhee means “Full of Life”. Their two energies combined are enough to give one person a burst of positive, healing, and loving energies. For more information about the Laugh Long and Prosper podcast, you can reach m