Judy Croon

'Laugh Long and Prosper' 'Psychic Fridays' with Readings From The Akasha by Sylvia Plester-Silk



Hey there, I'm Judy Croon. Canada's Keynote Humourist. Welcome to Laugh Long and Prosper. Shelf Help with a Smile. Stress Busters with a smirk. You get the point. So let's get started. Today is Friday- so you know what that means? Psychic Friday! Yay. My guest today is Sylvia Plester-Silk. Sylvia and I chat about visiting the Akasha - a spiritual form of reading that has been around for thousands of years. We talk about Sylvia's readings with clients, past lives and 2021 predictions! Sylvia Plester-Silk, RSW is an intuitive Social Worker who integrates traditional therapy with Akhashic Readings and energy work to help individuals transform to a life that is fully On Purpose. Way back in ancient history, in 1998, she graduated from the Social Work program at Ryerson University. While working for multiple community agencies, she has assisted thousands of individuals through addictions, mental health and trauma to finding their way. While she was powerful in this work, her results became exponential when she