Unraveling Pink

#87 Speaking Up When Bias Rears Its Ugly Head



This week's episode dives into why well-meaning male allies might not speak up even when they know they should. The reason surprised me, and it might surprise you too. But what probably won't surprise you - given this season’s theme - is that it is tied to the "man box." This episode's resources: Terry Crews video (https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/celebrities-womens-rights-weinstein-harassment/) Francesca Gino, Harvard Business Review, 5/2018, “Why It’s So Hard to Speak Up Against a Toxic Culture." (https://hbr.org/2018/05/why-its-so-hard-to-speak-up-against-a-toxic-culture) David Smith and Brad Johnson, “Do You See What I See? The Importance of Men as Allies.” (http://behavioralscientist.org/see-see-importance-men-allies/) Lisa Hickey, A Good Men Project, “Men Know: Why Men Need to Start Talking About Violence and Sexual Harassment.” (https://goodmenproject.com/ethics-values/men-know-men-need-start-talking-violence-sexual-harassment/) Jim Walsh, “Silence is violence: A Call To Men conference en