Hair Like Hers

A Healthy Gut for Your Body and Mind- With Dr. Heather Finley



BIG NEWS! YOU CAN NOW SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEW BI-WEEKLY HAIR HEALTH NEWSLETTER ON WWW.LEONA.CO where I share favorite products, tips and advice.  In more resent studies about healthy hair growth, there has been a huge shift from focusing on decreasing stress to protecting the gut. In my field, the focus has been on ensuring proper nutrition and supplementation but without a healthy and strong gut microbiome, none of that effort matters. Hair requires specific nutrients in order to grow strong, smooth, thick and shiny. Your follicles also require the right nutritional support in order to continue growing great quality hair. My guest Dr. Heather Finley answers the most important questions about how to optimize your gut. We chat about the gut-brain axis, a healthy diet that helps with bloating, constipation and nutrient absorption, stomach acid and of course her number one life altering tip that she will never go back on. Dr. Finley is a registered dietician, gut health specialist and sought-after speaker on the top