Managemental Podcast With Blasko And Mike Mowery

Tips For The "Stay At Home" Musician



This week Blasko & Mike take some questions from one of our loyal listeners. Hey guys, thanks for the show! I hugely appreciate what you're doing for aspiring musicians like myself. I've got a topic that I don't think you've covered yet that I know applies to not only myself, but to a massive contingent of my fellow musicians! I'm a full-time mechanical engineer with a demanding job and commute, so I've opted to devote my limited available free time resources to creating the best music that I can. I’m starting work on my second album, and trying to build some hype and a modest fanbase prior to release, and am looking for advice on the best path forward that maximizes the effectiveness of my time! Thanks for your time! Cheers! Dan The specific questions: What, in your experience, is the most effective way to connect with and build a fanbase as a non-gigging solo studio musician? Are low-effort real-time updates more or less effective than infrequent high-production-quality posts? Would I risk losing connecti