Managemental Podcast With Blasko And Mike Mowery

Is Your Album Release Ready?



Hypebot article "Checklist To Decide If Your Album Is Release Ready" by Angela Mastrogiacomo of Muddy Paw PR & The Symphonic Blog. So you’ve just recorded an incredible new EP or album and you’re dying to get it out into the world. After all, this is your latest masterpiece—your best work to date—and your fans are going to love it! Plus, you’ve been promising them something new for a while and it’s time to deliver on that promise. Before you go releasing an album on a whim, make sure you are release ready so you get the maximum impact and exposure for the album. Ask yourself, do you have the following? 1. Enough Time 2. A Gameplan 3. Hi-Res Press Photos 4. A Professionally Written Bio 5. Active Social Media 6. Grit ---- Register for Release It Right - Ice Nine Kills Edition here. Use coupon code MENTALPOD20 to get $20 off any Outerloop Coaching course - including Breaking In for Musicians and Breaking In For Non-Musicians regularly priced at $21. That's only ONE DOLLAR for either of these great courses. This