Managemental Podcast With Blasko And Mike Mowery

Blasko and Mike Answer Your Questions



This week we answer some questions from you, our loyal listeners. This is gonna be killer, so let’s get mental! ---- It might benefit from an episode going over who the players are in a local show (the promoter, the venue, etc.) what they do, and what the best practices are. Keep it Mental, Robbie ---- I’m writing you because I heard the part about physical promotion in your recent ManageMental episode, and how you guys asked for feedback from a younger crowd on their opinions. I’m only 21 so I’ve only dealt in the age of digital promotion, however I see some serious benefits with physical promotion. These benefits aren’t necessarily for growing a larger fan base, but rather a stronger fan base. When it comes to getting the word out, digital seems to be the only way people really hear about things, but I think physical components are a key way to make fans feel more involved than they can on a digital platform, even with simple things like printing a handful of posters for a gig and giving them out for $1 or