Managemental Podcast With Blasko And Mike Mowery

How To Grow Your Following



This week on ManageMental, Blasko and Mike talk about Word of Mouth Marketing. This is gonna be killer, so let’s get mental! Original Article: Author: Ramona Sukhraj 1. Encourage User-Generated Content (UGC)  UGC is content created and shared by consumers about brands or products. It’s honest, builds trust, and gives marketers extra collateral to work with. How Can You Get Users to Generate Content? Have a unique hashtag to identify content created by customers Incentivize creating and sharing pics, videos, and gifs on social media. Offer a free gift, discount, or feature. Create a sense of community. Showcase your user-generated content prominently on your website or main profile 2. Share Customer Testimonials/Reviews 79% of people trust testimonials and online reviews as much as personal recommendations. They help reassure the performance, quality, and/or value of your claims