Nerd Noise Radio Network - All Channels (hi-fi)

NNR Reruns: C1E47a "Turbotastic" - orig released 09/12/19



In delayed celebration of the delayed release of the Turbografx16 mini / PC Engine mini / CoreGrafx mini, our rerun this month will not be one episode, but three - each part of our three part mini-series on the TG16 / PC Engine from September of last year, which was made in conjunction with Bryce Dumond of the Turbotastic Podcast (a fantastic TG16/PCE "game by game" pod). The only difference being that instead of running them parts 1, 2, and 3, we are running them part 3, 2, and 1. This was originally planned for March, and planned to have part 1's rerun date coincide with the release of the mini on it's original release date of 03/19/20 as something of a "grand finale". When COVID pushed back the system's release indefinitely, it scrubbed this rerun scheme along with it. When the system finally did launch last month, it was with insufficient head's up to allow for my mini-series rerun scheme to materialize. So, here in June is our first opportunity. I hope you will accept / indulge the mulligan, enjoy the ep