Managemental Podcast With Blasko And Mike Mowery

A Look Back (a little more than) Halfway Through the Year



If you pay attention to the podcast space, there are a lot of podcasts who use the 4th of July weekend to take a bit of a break from producing an episode that week to recap what has occurred during the first part of the year.  We didn’t do that!  We hard charged through the holiday and still found a way to bring you an episode.  But now, as we roll into the first week of August, we want to recap the episodes we’ve done thus far.   This will allow us to reflect on and appreciate all that we’ve covered, and also allow you listeners to reflect on some of the great conversations we’ve been able to have.  As busy guys in the business, we haven’t tried to put together any particular arc or path of what we cover - in fact, Blasko does his digging and brings a topic to the table that he thinks will make for interesting conversation.  What do you think?  Has this been interesting?  Is there anything you’re dying to hear us discuss?  Any topics?  Any articles that you’re finding on blogs?  Don’t hesitate to email us at