Managemental Podcast With Blasko And Mike Mowery

The Big Question (Part 1)



Article:   How does a band break and become famous? We all know there is no simple answer to this. However successful people do have habitual similarities that have been theorized as the foundation for their success. So... it stands to reason that perhaps there are reoccurring themes and actions that can be found in successful bands that can be reverse engineered for a new generation.    So… How do Bands break out and Become Famous? According to Matt O-Dowd a self proclaimed band dude, songwriter and composer the answer is not easy, but attainable. He writes:    Be extremely good at music. So good that people can't ignore you.   Some ways to achieve this: Develop a unique sound that is unmistakably you. Most successful artists of all mediums become famous for a signature style. Write extremely good songs that total strangers are interesting in hearing again. Your friends and your mom will say everything is great. They cannot be trusted.Listen to