One Voice Can Change The World With Tina Bangel

How one voice can change the world with Fideliz Cruz



Thank you Fideliz Cruz for having me on your show!  Always such a pleasure to work with you! This episode is an interview was from Fideliz Cruz's YouTube Channel. "In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Ms Tina Bangel.  Founder and Owner of "One Voice" School of Singing! I'm so inspired by Tina as i watch her do what she loves the most and that's sharing the message of "One Voice" & sharing her talent of singing and empowering her students through music. So How can One Voice; YOUR VOICE change the world? Here are the Gold Nuggets that i got from this interview: 1) COURAGEOUSLY TAKE OPPORTUNITIES! In the journey of discovering your passions and what it is that lights you up, It's all about giving it a go and trying out new things! Courageously take the opportunities that you're given and use this as a learning experience! - You never know, this could be the stepping stone towards discovering your passion! 2)THERE'S NO PERFECT TIME THAN NOW! There will never be a perfect time, so don't wai