One Voice Can Change The World With Tina Bangel

Ep 003 Elly Oh- How to be a resourceful singer so you can land better gigs and opportunities



A voice that truly change my world! It's a great honour to have Elly Oh on my Podcast.  Because of Elly's resourcefulness I am so fortunate to see the Dalai Lama with her.  She will have the honour to sing for his holiness during his visit here in Sydney.  How did she get the gig?  She asked!!! She offered her services as a gift so she can meet his holiness and in return was offered two free tickets to the event. What a lifetime experience and also an opportunity to share your gift with one of the most respected people on earth.  That is something money cannot buy. Elly is one of the most resourceful singer I know.  She is not afraid to go after what she wants and helps create opportunities around her.   Born in South Korea, Elly Oh has been in the music industry for over 10 years. She first discovered her passion for music when she was 18 years old after volunteering to sing to an old patient at the hospital where the nurse thought Elly had an amazing voice. After studying Bachelor of Opera at the University