Angela's Awesome Podcast

Episode 034 - Self Care/Service



AAP 034 - You've heard the phrase every time you get on an airplane during the safety instructions; Put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others. This week supporting her blog Self Care/Service Angela and Henno discuss the paradox that sometimes we need to be a bit selfish in order to be useful to others.   Don't forget to check out our Superhero Workout HERE on youtube. Some of the exercises we do at Angela's Gym with a comic book twist. Wood River Valley people don't miss Angela's new class; Yoga for The Stiff and the Scared Wednesdays at noon and please join Angela's #fueledbyangelas contest by taking a picture of you doing something outdoors or during your day that is easier because you are "Fueled by Angelas." Throw your pic up on Twitter and tag Angela @angelasgym. This weeks winners were Gina and Henno....send us your pics! Helping you "find your own path to inspiration" Proud member of the Wicked Radio Network and Tangent Bound Network Going To Angelas  Psychology Of Eating Health At Every Size