Ladies of the Fright

LOTF 59: Tropisode 6 | Camping with Sadie Hartmann aka "Mother Horror"



This episode of Ladies of the Fright is brought to you by Boneyard Soup Magazine. Boneyard Soup is a horror and dark fantasy magazine, specializing in the Weird, the Morbid, and the Macabre. It publishes original short stories and features terrifying artwork. Boneyard Soup’s mission is to represent the horror genre’s diversity by curating many kinds of ghoulish and horrifying stories and by supporting new and talented writers. Boneyard Soup is running a Kickstarter campaign to fund its first year of issues and to connect with new readers. Backers who pledge at least $12 will receive a year’s subscription. This Kickstarter runs until September 23rd. Follow this link to support Boneyard Soup Magazine. We want to remind you that we have a Patreon! We would like to give a special shoutout to our higher tier patrons SM Fedor, Eli Ryder, and Kerry Cox at the Satanic Panic level, and Kenesha, Nathan Blixt, and Nina Nahvi, Bjorn Svartalfson, Jocelyn Codner, and S. Velos at the Demon Possession level. We’r