True Wealth Radio

04:26:2019 Was There A Pre-Adamic World & What All Did It Consist Of???



04/26/2019 Was There A Pre-Adamic World & What All Did It Consist Of??? THE BIBLE SAYS “IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH”…It then immediately jumps to the earth being in total chaos, “without form and void”, The Hebrew words here are “Tohuw” and “Bohuw” meaning chaotically destroyed, wiped out, devastated etc. From Here, God begins to describe the day by day creation of the world as we know it today. His greatest creation of all being mankind. The great debate is whether everything was created in 6 days or not. Where things become extremely convoluted is whether or not there was life or creation on earth before this state. There is evidence of a “great unconformity” that spans the entire earth deep, DEEP under the dirt and debris covering the earth. This unconformity consists of a red granite ball. Something brought an extraordinary amount of debris to cover this ball. In addition, there is obvious evidence of cataclysmic events on the earth, the most well known of these being the gr