True Wealth Radio

04:15:2019 Let The Weak Say I Am Strong-Be Courteous & Understand Parable of Ta



04/15/2019 Let The Weak Say I Am Strong-Be Courteous & Understand Parable of Talents-Have COINSPlus Re-Evaluate Portfolio I just returned from 2 weeks inn Costa Rica serving God in the rain forests and truly appreciating one of the worlds smallest countries with the greatest number of species. WOW. On this show I discussed the effect that electronic communication has played in affecting the millennial inability to communicate. They are literally afraid to just talk-perhaps because they cant “unfriend” you if their feelings get hurt. We discussed the fact that every single human being is endowed by God with a specific set of talents and abilities, however, we feel inferior because we compare ourselves to others. We only have God to speak to as far as our performance goes relating to our talents. It is intriguing that God gave us what He created us to handle. It is most interesting that the man with one talent resented the master, hid the talent(perhaps attempted to steal it), and told the master he didn’t